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Clover Valley Veterinary Services


Lameness can effect horses and impact their gait and performance if not treated can restrict a horse's movement. A horse can become lame due to several different factors, which can be evaluated and treated by our veterinarians.

Staff member caring for a horse's leg

The veterinarians at Clover Valley Veterinary Services perform comprehensive lameness exams both on-farm and at our facility. Before making a diagnosis, we make a complete assessment of the entire horse including a visual analysis of the horse’s gait and athletic ability. During the exam, we may also utilize diagnostic tools such as digital X-ray or ultrasound to analyze the bones, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissue.

After the lameness exam, we will make a diagnosis and develop an appropriate treatment plan. The treatment plan may include K-laser, chiropractic, or acupuncture therapies. Regular check-ups are performed throughout the process of rehabilitation. Call us at (360) 917-5887 today to learn more about our equine lameness exams and treatment planning.

Make an Appointment

Call us at (360) 917-5887 or click the button below to schedule an appointment and get more information.